Tag Archives: relationship

Today, I am blessed…..!

I write today just to acknowledge to the universe how very grateful I am for the day I had.  With all the chaos and stress that I may be having in my life right now, today, was a good day.  I am thankful for the wonderful people that make up the circle of my life.  I am a very proud mother to three of the most beautiful, creative, smart and unique girls in the whole wide world.  I have a husband who tries everyday to show me in the little things he does, how very special I am to him.  I have a little brother( almost 30 🙂  ), who I love more than any, if not all, the men in my life. We have a relationship that I could not be happier with. It was not always a great or even good one, but these days, we are closer then ever.  I have a best friend, 12 years almost, and I love what our friendship has evolved to in these years. I have a few others who I care for deeply and I am happy to have them in my life, as little or as much as I can.  Either way, I am happy they are there. Today, is one of those days that regardless of the bad in my life, I realize the good means so much more. No one is promised tomorrow, so why not live today loving and appreciating those relationships in your life that matter most.  At the end of the day, everything else really is irrelevant without them.  So I challenge you to take a moment to put aside everything chaotic or stressful in your life and think about the things or relationships that matter most. Today, I am blessed as I hope you realize you are too.